Your stories are waiting to be told in the seaside city of Alexandroupolis!
Animation, Documentary,
Fiction Films
Cine Floisvos, Alexandroupolis
Festival Dates
20, 21 & 22 & 23 June, 2024
Awards & Prizes

200€ Cash prize for the best short documentary + trophy.
Alitheia, the Greek word for ‘’truth’’ is the state of escaping oblivion and remembering what was forgotten. Documentaries tell stories about real life and help the viewers get a glimpse of the truth as it is seen through the eyes of others. This prize is awarded to the documentary with the most authentic approach to revealing fragments of reality.

200€ Cash prize for the best short animation film + trophy.
Fantasia, the Greek word for ‘’imagination’’ is a state that allows us to consider situations separate from here and now. Animation films have the ability to bring ideas out of this world to the screen. This prize is awarded to the most innovative use of technology to recreate concepts only before seen within the confines of our dreams.

200€ Cash prize for the best short live action film + trophy.
Mythos, the Greek word for ‘’tale’’ is also closely related to the verb ‘’myo’’, meaning ‘‘to teach’’, or ‘‘to initiate into the mysteries’’. Films have the power to immerse the audience in new realities and alter their perception and understanding of the world. This prize is awarded to the film that best articulates the themes of the narrative.
We at AXDFF would like to show our support for cinema made in Greece therefore, special mentions will be given to Greek directors from each category. These films are also eligible to win any of the three main awards.
This category is for films made especially for children and teenagers. Any genre or type of film is accepted (eg.animation, documentary, live action).
AXDSFF collaborates with local schools and educational institutes in order to inspire, entertain and educate our young audience. Morning screenings of films dedicated to children will be held during our festival in order to expose them to the world of cinema.
‘’ORIZONTAS” Award: Orizontas, the greek word for ‘’horizon’’ is the line at which the earth’s surface and the sky appear to meet. This category is devoted to films that empower kids to cross the thin line of imagination and reality and broaden their horizons. This prize is awarded to the short film that reminds us how to become children again.
In addition, AXDFF gives recognition to the technical craft of filmmaking with awards given to films with exceptional sound design, music, cinematography…
Throughout the year and mainly in the summer, AXDFF organizes regular feature film screenings in order for the local audience to be constantly connected with unique films from around the world. These films will receive an official laurel and a film review from the festival.
With the support of